How Much Do Your Subwoofer(s) Cost Relative to Speakers

For people who own subwoofers in the main system, I am interested to know the price ratio of the subwoofer to speakers in your system. Prices in MSRP.

Say if the subwoofer(s) cost $10,000 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 1.

If the subs cost $5,000 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 2.

If the subs cost $3,333 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 3.

Mine is at about 1 : 3.5




Showing 1 response by boomerbillone

You can easily build a great subwoofer (sealed cabinet) for the cost of the driver + $100 or so for the wood, terminals, etc.  The subwoofer boom is a great money maker for the manufacturers, the profit margin is breathtaking, but there' nothing complicated about them. Feel free to ask for details.