How much $$ do bells and whistles add to preamp?

Hi All, I’m looking for a new preamp, but I don’t want or need things like home theater bypass, streaming, DAC, headphones, etc. Just a great preamp (maybe with phono). I’m looking at lots of models (Like Classe, Wyred4Sound, Peachtree, etc.) that come with lots of extras, and I’m wondering how much of the price devolves to those add-ons that I don’t want. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, as usual.

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Showing 3 responses by tweak1

Well, as you surmised. no easy answer, or is there?

My system is cd only. I have the Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 (outboard PS) when available MSRP was $1995 + $695. The combo can be found ~ $1000-1200. After 2 years I am still very happy with it, BUT, have wondered about R2R dacs. There is ONE I read about recently, with an optional built in preamp in the $5K range. Sadly, I don't recall the model/brand. If I do, Ill update. Maybe someone will chime in. I watched it on YouTube

Just watched Passion for Sounds YT video comparing the Spring (sans preamp board) to the Schiit Yggy, which is ~ $1000 less, but he preferred it.