How much $$ do bells and whistles add to preamp?

Hi All, I’m looking for a new preamp, but I don’t want or need things like home theater bypass, streaming, DAC, headphones, etc. Just a great preamp (maybe with phono). I’m looking at lots of models (Like Classe, Wyred4Sound, Peachtree, etc.) that come with lots of extras, and I’m wondering how much of the price devolves to those add-ons that I don’t want. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, as usual.

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Showing 2 responses by rustler

I guess I wasn't completely clear in my initial posting.  I'm wondering how much add-ons add to a preamp's price.  For example, is a $6K preamp with a DAC and streaming really a $4K, $4.5K, 5K preamp.  I'm asking just in case I find something I like but it has extras, I'd like to know exactly what I'm paying for.

Not set.  I'm just wondering if a preamp listed at about 6K also has DAC HTBP Streaming capacity, etc., how much of that 6K is for the stuff other than a line preamp?