
Discussions rustler has started

Speakers need to be placed close to back wall. Help290947
Finally found my amp/integrated for Martin Logan Summit X electrostatics12603
Tubes getting hard to come by?126121
How much $$ do bells and whistles add to preamp?244932
Phono stage: MM only or MM/MC41999
Can the McIntoch Mc 452 and Mc462 power Martin Logan Summit X speakers 18872
Any reason to go with anything other than Sanders Magtech for Martin Logan Summit X 344711
Which phono section to buy: match table or cartridge?15287
Best amp for Martin Logan Summit X43389
Recommendations of amp for Martin Logan Summit X19115
Value of mint condition first pressing of Sgt. Pepper?1769431
audiophile fuses for Luxman, Wyred 4 Sound, and Simaudio44537
Best solution to send digital files to my DAC733212
Matching phono section with either cartridge or turntable.29688
Question about weak link25069