How much discount typically for a new MC275 to expect from a dealer?

I'm not interested at this time going used. No stock in my area, I'll have to order or go out of town. McIntosh has a pretty tight grip on their dealers, so I imagine not finding any here on AG. Just curious what to expect when making an offer. I'm not going to pay full retail. Ideas, thoughts? I'm not interested in other brands or amp ideas. I'm just researching Macintosh at this point in time. 

Showing 2 responses by riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

Its obvious to me that many people here are totally ignorant in the art of wheeling and dealing. I always get 20-30% off everything depending on the brand. I would NEVER buy anything at Zero - 15% off MSRP. Do your homework, get quotes from various dealers just like when you purchase a car. Then use those prices to get your best deal. In this Shrinking "hobby" no dealer is going to turn down a sale if he knows you can get the same product cheaper elsewhere. And YES this works with dealers that you have never dealt with before.  Im glad some of the above posters dont manage my stock market portfolio.....Clueless!!

Total BS. I can go to my local Mac Dealer 10 minutes away and get at least 20% off any gear I want. I always got 20% off at OVERTURE in Delaware on all my previous Mac gear (452, C52 etc)...and No sales tax to boot. No other products were purchased at the time.

If I was willing to make the haul to a dealer in Tenn (9-10hours each way) I am guaranteed 30% off MSRP