Big difference in the way streamers sound. Maybe not all, but many.
How much difference in Sound quality can be expected from different streamers?
I would appreciate very much in obtaining advice on the SQ from different Streamers. I am currently using a good quality vintage DAC (Altis Reference) connecting to Roku 4 (using its Tosslink out to a simple coaxial converter which connects to the coaxial “in” of the DAC). When comparing the SQ of the exact same artist/music through first CD setup( CECTL0 connecting to the DAC) or second setup (Oppo 105 to DAC) vs ROKU 4 accessing Tidal Master level at 48KHz, both CD systems provided better SQ with CECTLO the best. I was reading with interest on the forum (4/2/2021) on DAC and found out that the SQ from different decent DAC does not appear to vary too much; the new DAC may offer connection convenience, but not necessarily SQ. More likely, different CD player or Transport can provide a more obvious difference in SQ than different DAC, like what I had experienced. Thus I am very interested to seek advice from those who had experience in comparing different streamers. Can high end streamers when accessing Tidal Master level produce much better SQ than Roku 4 if connected to my DAC(at sampling rate of 48KHz)? If so, which ones would you recommend?