How much difference does a phono preamp really make?

Sorry for the noob question...

I have a Technics SL1200-GR turntable with two cartridges; a Denon DL110 and a Clearaudio Performer. I also have two phono stages; a Consonance PM6 and the internal phono stage in my Belles Aria integrated. 

To my ears, there is no discernable difference in sound between the two phono stages. 

I'm just wondering, if I went up to say a Clearaudio Smart Phono, or a Rogue, or even a GoldNote PH-10; would I be able to tell? How critical is a quality phono pre in analog sound reproduction?


Showing 3 responses by tomic601

add Croft RIAA to your list, with a few nice tubes from Andy at Vintage Tube services, with your cart will knock your socks off….and meet your budget of $1,500

There is one in here somewhere……
to the OP, this is a great thread with some very solid experience and as you noted diversity of opinions. Personally i believe given a competent table and arm, cart matters most. The TT you have IMO on an isolating base like an HRS can take you far on the vinyl journey…very far. I have a Herron that i use with Vandy Treo CT, but feel you should consider the Hagerman. Also, super important you join the Vandy owners forum on the Vandy website. Lots of analog nuts there. You can see my vintage setup on the virtual systems page, every now and then a pair of 1ci make it into the mix, they are capable of amazing sound. Finally @mulveling should be on your sane, experienced and trusted list here on Audiogon

have fun