How many would be surprised?

We generally cannot see the actual wire used in our IC’s because of some sort of covering. I recently acquired an XLO Ref 2 balanced IC and these have a clear outer cover exposing the wires inside. Maybe XLO is unique, but the wires used are tiny. With the overall size of the cable you develop a preconceived idea of how big the “cable” is inside the cover.

My JPS SC2 speaker wire can also be seen through its cover, it is quite beefy.

I wonder how many would be surprised to see the actual wire inside their cables?

Showing 1 response by garfish

Not ultra thin, but Kimber PBJ is definitely on the skinny side and it used to be almost be a "standard" of sorts for low cost but decent ICs. Kimber's Silver Streak looks much like PBJ, but is silver and pretty thin. Craig