How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?

I just bought a very nice condition Revox A-77 on Ebay and I have to say I love the sound of tape. I wish I had done this years ago when it made more sense. I see that good quality reel to reel decks are getting snapped up on Ebay and I am wondering who is buying them and what they plan on listening to (prerecorded music or tapes they make). How many people here on audiogon actually own a reel to reel that works and they use it regularly? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by casey33

Pre-recorded tapes also have better channel seperation than do LPs.I have a Laura Nyro with Labelle "Gonna take A Miracle" that is fantastic on tape,but there are so many quiet spots that it is difficult to locate it's equal on LP.I have several hundred tapes as well and enjoy them immensely.