How many people here generally buy used?

Just curious. Most of my equipment I purchased new. My Firstwatt J2 was a demo that I swear was new. Outside of a DAC where latest tech may be desired, buying used (if a fair price) seems to be a great way to purchase something you normally would not be able to afford. Of course, condition, care of component etc needs to be taken into consideration


Showing 1 response by sns

Back in early days, lots of brick and mortar audio retailers, purchased more new or demo. Now days, nearly all used, buying new without the ability to hear in my system changes the new versus used equation in favor of used.
Also, I tend to modify my equipment over time, I violate warranty buying new. Bypassing break in is nice as well.

I still occasionally purchase new when I have a specific piece of equipment in mind that never comes up for sale used, or when it does has minimal discount over new. Has to be at least 25% discount over new for me to even consider it.