How many pair of speakers do you own?

Since I am a self proclaimed speaker nut, I was trying to justify to my wife that having 5 pair of speakers is normal for an audiophilic addict. Curious also about what type, Dynamic, Planar, Single Driver etc; If you are member of this sight, you probably have a mania towards some component or other. Mine is Loudspeakers, which I learned early are 70% of your system. To me they may be >> 80%


Showing 2 responses by klama2006

My current lineup

#1 Ohm Walsh
#2 Epicure 3.0
#3 DCM Time Windows
#4 Kinetic Audio Efficiency
#5 Bose 901 series 2 (Stacked)
#6 AR 2s

Speakers that I had recently, and did not keep.
#1 JBL Northridge E100
#2 Klipsh SF2

Next in lne on my wish list.
#1 a set of magnepan's
#2 A vintage pair of Allison's
#3 Any deal I can find
Xiekitchen, I listed my speakers in the order of my preference.

I’ve have only been in this hobby for about a year now, and can not give you what I would consider an experienced review.

But I really do like the Epicure 3.0's. I was lucky to find these on eBay just a few blocks from my house. When I picked them up I was surprised to see the cabinets in mint shape, and was devastated as I watched the foam surrounds on the 6” drivers deteriorate before my eyes within a half hour. This ended up being my first re-foam project.

I have not had them very long, just a few months. But they have quickly moved towards the top of my list. They have a very tight and clear sound, with more than sufficient base. I have so far been very impressed with them.

As far as sound goes, I feel they are my best sounding speaker. The only reason I list the Ohm’s higher, is for the presented soundstage. The Ohms just work like magic in my listening environment. They are the only speaker I own that can present a sound stage regardless of my position in the room. The Epicure’s do sound better if I am seated in there sweet spot.