How many of you guys use a HT processor ?

I was thinking about using a home theater processor as a 2 channel pre amp and was wondering how many of you use this set up with good results. I understand that it would be overkill specially using only digital as the only playback source, but I would think that the processor with it's built in DAC would save on space and ICs. My two top candidates would be Theta or EAD. I listen to all types of music but value acoustical (guitar) and vocals highly. I would appreciate your opinion.
I use and AVM20 with good results. I auditioned Sunfire, parasound and aragon before deciding on the Anthem AVM20. Killer 2 channel sound and surround as well. Rest of 2ch system is aragon 8008BB amp, B&W N805sigs and cardas IC's.

Good luck,
I like the DAC in my pre-pro for two channel music a lot, I think you may be barking up the wrong tree for what you are looking for. For a more simple (less cables) way to go, consider a cd player or DAC with a high quality volume control direct to your tube amp. If less cables is a lesser goal than acoustical music and vocal reproduction..then I would switch out the tubed pre-amp and insert the Bent NOH passive pre-amp. I had this passive in my system for about a year and sold it to a guy that replaced a tubed pre-amp with it..his amp is tube along with his cd player and remain in his system. He reported the he was very, very happy with this new setup. Your amp/room size/and speakers may be just the ticket for one of these two types of setups and I think you will find acoustic and vocals to be world class.

P.S. I only sold the Bent passive to swing fast cash for a pair of MINT speakers I had been searching out for a very long time. This has forced me to use my pre-pro's DAC for two channel as it is much better than the one in my player.

You will not equal the sound of a good player and preamp no matter how much you spend on the ht processor. A Casablanca w/xtreme dacs does not come close to a trivista cd player + a ayre K5 or the Aestehetix Saturn or VTL 5.5 but will cost a lot more.
If you're only going to listen to two-channel and your objective is to save space; I would look to a player with an integral volume control. There are a number of players with the volume control built in (Theta Miles and there is a Krell integrated player for example) and you could run the output direct to your amp (that would save you even more space). Some think that minimizing the number of interconnects and separate units will result in the best sound.

Good Luck,

I don't know why anyone would buy a HT pre/pro with no intention of using it for HT. Are you getting one at 75% off list? If so, I guess I could see where you are going. However, you'll still need a cd transport and a pre/pro, that's two boxes. IMHO, you'd be better served with a high quality cd player and stereo preamp (still two boxes), for music only purposes. As others have suggested, if cd is your only source, get a high quality cd player w/volume control like a Audio Aero Capitole (one box!), and run it directly into your amp. I really don't see any reason to buy a Theta or EAD pre/pro for music only, unless the price is so low it's basically being given to you. It's like looking to buy a pick-up truck when you've got nothing to haul. A Toyota Camry would be more comfortable and cost less. If you want the pick-up truck/ pre/pro for looks only, or because of a steal of a deal, then that's your right. For around $1K you can get a Audible Illusions M3A that will sound much better on music than pre/pro's costing 10 times more. Get a AA Capitole for $2K and you don't even need a preamp!

Good luck,