How loud do you like to play your music?

Instead of guessing from random comments. I thought a census of listening levels from members would be useful. feel free to mention a range.
My lowest listenable level is 80 db my favorite is 90 to 95 the loudest is 100 or just give your single preferred volume. The numbers above are my actual preferences.
If you do not have or used an SPL meter, just say Hi, Medium or low but try give us a reference point of some kind if possible.
Extraneous info is welcome. For example in my book shelf system it's... but in my main rig it's... Thanks

Showing 1 response by mechans

I should have said peak on dynamic recordings with the average RMS being lower.
I always set the volume too high for well recorded classical symphonic pieces. With rock and roll the bands seem to play it at one level only which is very loud and purposefully distorted. Those can have relatively constant/compressed sound levels.
Oddly its those rock or blue/rock which I will crank and even change the rig for. Nothing like Janis Joplin played at 70 db or the Delaware Destroyers played at Stardust volume. Never played Stardust intentionally louder 80-85 db.