How long should high quality speakers last?

My Zu Omen Def MKii (rev B) are going on 13-14 years old. The speakers sound wonderful. I have no intention of parting with them. The speakers came with the latest ZU tweeter design. How long should I expect the speakers to last without any issues? I do not abuse the speakers and run them with my Luxman 595ase amp. 


Showing 1 response by knotscott

It really depends on the speakers.  Foam surrounds can rot after 20 years or so.

Mine have butyl surrounds and are 35 years old. 5 years ago I refreshed the ferro fluid in the tweeters. They’re as good as new...maybe better because the caps and woofers have thousands of hours on them.  Hoping to get another 30 years from them. 

It’s a good practice to rotate your woofers 180 degrees every decade or so to offset for any gravity pull.