How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?


Showing 14 responses by perkri

Oh, and I guess I shouldn't bother building the DIY Audio VFet class A amp I have sitting here waiting to be assembled...
And what’s with these “men” tailing aim at a young girl?

Threaten easily, do we?
It’ll be around. Fear not.

Tubes are still in use, vinyl is till being played, class A will be around.

As far as the environment goes, wonder what is dirtier to make. A gallium nitrate chip, or a class A chip.

Threatened by a teenage girl? 
We should just sit back and do nothing I suppose…

You’re an idiot.

Oh, and the climate is just fine...

Massive fires on the west coast. Increasingly stronger and stronger storms hitting the southern states. Northern Europe is being hit with sweltering temperatures.

And again, love how these "men" take every opportunity to dump on a young girl.

Must feel empowering. 

I guess that's just part of being profoundly ignorant.
Congratulations, you have confirmed both your ignorance and frail ego.

I wonder, have you ever left your own zip code?

it’s a big world out there sparky, and being an effective contrarian requires intelligence, experience and an education - one that extends beyond what TV and Google can provide.

Purple was never my thing. My 14 year old daughter however, loves that color. And both she, and my 8 year old son, are far better contrarians than you are capable of being. Intelligence, experience and education…
No wonder the US is in the state it’s in.

The world extends beyond your ZIP code.

Imagine being so narrow minded that you are incapable of looking past myopic preconceived regressive attitudes about a messenger that you can’t hear the message.

But I’m sure you all have your PhD’s in climatology, which is why your opinion is more valid than their knowledge…
So, having concern for the environment and your fellow human beings makes you a commie? Nice. "Comrade" is such a dumb insult. Ignorance and arrogance are a bad combination of personality defects. Insults like this are usually thrown out by people who have had zero experience in the world.

Desalination of the oceans is happening. When that passes a certain point, the gulf stream will change its path having a rather dramatic outcome on the climate patterns globally.

For the past several years, the storms hitting the US have been getting more intense. Indeed, they have been getting more intense globally. Temperatures are alternating between hotter than on record and colder than on record.

There was a time when excellence was looked upon as a positive thing. Not any more. The disenfranchised have turned the ones who have pursed excellence in a given field as being the Elite - Comrads...

If you knew anything about Communism, you would realize there is no elite, just the herd. Guess that makes you the "Comrade", huh? 

The disenfranchised naysayers are responding to the world in the same way Isis is reacting to it. And they are being recruited by those who seek to exploit their disenfranchisement in the same manner to help spew disinformation in order to seek out more disenfranchised for the "cause"

There is no point in engaging. They pull out phrases like “free speech”, “censorship”, “right to an opinion” etc. It’s sad that these people are unable to pull themselves out from under their feelings of being disenfranchised. So many who where made promises to when they were young, promises that never came true. The “Elite” and educated are to blame. That is who is holding them back. The great conspiracy is what held them back. Not the fact they were sold a bill of goods, and they never had what it takes. At the core of this is their need to feel relevant. That they are above all the rest, seeing a truth that we are incapable of seeing for our selves. They live in an imaginary place where they are the gatekeepers, and we are the “sheep”. Sad really. People are very much allowed to have their own opinions, and to state them. However, not all opinions are of equal value. Some opinions are so misinformed that they are indeed dangerous. Opinions are like asses. We all have them, we need them. Many, however are full of $hl1.