How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".

Showing 2 responses by martinmobile

Cummon you Testosterone-driven, Macho WWF-lovin', emotionless cage fighters! You gotta have a soft spot SOMEWHERE in your heart? No one song, ever? Have you never thought a song was sung, or performed so awesome that it touches your soul? No harm done having a good cry once in a while even if it seems to signal the presence of "GIRLIE-MAN" syndrome.

The only time I don't feel any emotion is when I am at a Death Metal concert, in the mosh-pit, watch groups like Slipknot and Slayer incite a friggin riot with songs like "Reign in Blood", or "Mandatory Suicide"...then I feel a compulsion to beat the shit out of some random stranger just for the fun of it. No emotion there!
(Just kidding! I'm being a smartass and pulling your chain), If music doesn't sometimes make you cry, that's ok too. Just feel free to beat hell out of your wife and go an a 3 state killing spree.