How long ago did you catch the bug?

My first inkling was about 1972 when a friend mentioned such things as Dual, Thorens, AR, Scott, etc. By '74-'75 I knew about all the Japanese manufacturers (courtesy of a military PX catalog) and about McIntosh. By '76 ​​was using a hand me down all in one Panasonic compact system. The compact system did not last long and very shortly after, '77, came a "proper" 1970's system with such names as Pioneer, Kenwood, Shure, AR, Teac. 


Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

Birth, I was raised around a dancing mother that played a mean mouth harp and a father that had JBL C45 Metregons, Mac, Marantz Garrard and Thoren gear.

BIRTH!! 1954 By 1960 I had a pretty good grasp that electricity would fry your little grape to BBs if you weren’t careful.. Smoke coming out of my young dumb ears..
Madrid Spain 1960 I got fried.. Never forget that one.. Exposed nob an tube, no insulation on the wires, they ran under every inside door way. I didn’t know.. I hate getting bit..

Need that upgraded with an external power supply and potentiometer to turn it UP. Upgrade the cable too. You need a jump start on board.. No outside stuff. Keep an extra battery pack handy.. :-) I use mine to jump start the car every now and then.. 
