How long ago did you catch the bug?

My first inkling was about 1972 when a friend mentioned such things as Dual, Thorens, AR, Scott, etc. By '74-'75 I knew about all the Japanese manufacturers (courtesy of a military PX catalog) and about McIntosh. By '76 ​​was using a hand me down all in one Panasonic compact system. The compact system did not last long and very shortly after, '77, came a "proper" 1970's system with such names as Pioneer, Kenwood, Shure, AR, Teac. 


Showing 1 response by kingsleuy

5, 6 years old.  My uncle had this tv stereo console that I liked.  Big, powerful sound. That started it.  Mid 60's my dad took me to the Salvation Army.  They had a stockpile of such console units.  For $5.00? they let me take out whatever I wanted   My dad explained that they were going to dismantle them for trash and I was helping them. Yes.  A Frankenstein system.  LOL 60 years later... Great granddaughter of Frankenstein, system.   Better looking.  Better sounding.  But still, a Frankenstein.