How it works! From a common man.

How a boutique fuses changes the sound in a piece of equipment, and how (at least) one became directional.

How they made it directional. Yes SOME, very few, are made that way. I'll Explain what I found.
Why it works or NOT. This is NOT a fuse shoot out.  This is a, "WHY it works", Not "it just does", session. LOL

Everyone is welcome to help me figure out why it works, BUT why it doesn't, with a reason, is VERY welcome.

No name callin'.  Don't call folks liars, just state your personal learning extravaganza, HOW, and WHY.

We'll figure out WHY, and HOW it effects something.. Cause and Effect. NO PSYCHOBABBLE.

Big words hurt my head, keep it simple for us common folks if you would please.

I promise to be on my best behavior, maybe. :-)

Showing 1 response by larryh111

noble100, Tim, don't give up dude!  One last tweak is all you need.  Try dipping a fuse in brown goop and biting down with it using the left side of your mouth and then do the same on the right side and compare the results.  This will take hours to do properly.  Keep a log of every perception real and imagined then repeat with two fuses, one on each side of your mouth.  The next step is crucial.  You must put a cpap mask on (like the one oldhvymec uses) and stand upright looking down at your speakers.  Oh yea, the brown goop needs to be applied to the cpap mask as well. 

Your welcome.