How Is This Possible? Must be Counterfeits

I just stumbled upon this website and they have branded products such as Nordost and Audioquest at about 10% of the normal retail.  How is this even possible and if they are indeed fakes, how come companies like Nordost do not sue them? Truly puzzling.


Showing 3 responses by deep_333

Well, it is very possible that the Nordost hineymonkey buys it from China for 65 bucks and sells it to some audiogon savants for 65000.

As soon as you see Nordost’s 65k price tag, bow down, provide your standing ovations, pay the 65k and..... visualize the soundstage opening and exploding like the big bang.

I read about the fakes and since I had a pair of Nordost Odin 2 interconnects for a while I bought a pair of fakes from AliExpress. No, they do not sound like the real thing or are they constructed of the same materials.

How did you determine this? Did you actually cut into your expensive original Nordost and the fake one, lay them out side by side to see what the layup is, etc? 😑

How different did they sound sonically? any specifics you can elaborate on?  

it is hard to imagine buying a $40,000 pair of cables for $100 and thinking it’s the real thing........................................yes, but do they sound $39,900 TIMES better.

Stupidity is what it is. There are miniscule to non-existent gains in cables above a certain price point. There are much bigger gains by spending in other areas. I have some of the more expensive cables from the likes of Ansuz, Audioquest, etc, mostly given to me by a couple of friends at some point. I can at least appreciate the technical ideas there with some brands, i.e., some of the more innovative ways of noise rejection by the likes of Ansuz, etc.

Nordost is just a silly non-cranial brand, ugh ( a whole lotta nothing there, but fluff)...Makes sense to me that the Chinese are selling it for 60 bucks.