How is Rotel RCD-1072 as a transport? Jitter?

I'm contemplating the addition of a DAC to my stereo, and that would mean taking the digital signal out of my Rotel CD player thru its 75 ohm coax. I vaguely recall an article in some magazine pointing to the Rotel's bad jitter performance. Am I right?

DACs being considered: Bryston, W4S DAC2, Weiss DAC2, Bel Canto DAC3, Accustic Arts DAC I. Rest of system: Lamm LL2D, McIntosh MC275, B&W 804S.

Nothing's broken with mine; just my interest in pushing the envelope! I started from an all-Rotel stereo and upgraded amp and pre, and now I feel this Rotel is the weak link and I could be getting more in terms of 3D and resolution. I wonder if I should improve this CD player and wait a couple of years for PC audio to mature a bit, or mod it as a transport and get an external DAC.

Yesterday I've exchanged e-mails with Kyle at Reference Audio Mods and he suggested modding but for use as a transport + adding an external DAC. His main issue with the 1072 was the PCM1732, that is single-ended topology and thus has to use a coupling cap in the signal path. So he recommends adding a superclock to reduce jitter, and replacing some diodes and caps on the power supply section of the transport. I'm not savvy enough to argue around any of these, but my point is he could have talked me into upgrading the 1072 as a CD player rather than transport (and sell me more mods), but he didn't. Tells me something about himself and about the 1072.

Sorry for the rambling!
No jitter from my RCD-1072 for years now. Fabulous machine. I recently upgraded the interconnect and the thing sounds even greater. In a way I wish it would go so I can then justify an upgrade (LOL). But this machine sounds so darn good and it's built like a tank. What's wrong with the RCD-1072's own internal DAC (Burr Brown PCM1732)?