How important is the pre-amp?

Hello all,

Genuine request here for other's experiences.

I get how power amps can make really significant changes to the sound of a system. And of course speakers have an even bigger effect. And then there is the complicated relationship between the speaker and power amp. But I wonder about pre-amps.

In theory a well designed preamp should just act as a source switch and volume control. But does it add (or ruin) magic? Can a pre-amp color the sound? Alter pace and timing? Could you take a great sounding system and spoil it with the wrong preamp? Stereophile once gushed (while reviewing a preamp that cost as much as a car) that the preamp was the heart of the system, setting the tone of everything. Really? Some people don't even bother with a preamp, feeding their DACs straight into the power amp. Others favor passive devices, things without power. If one can get a perfectly good $2K preamp, why bother with 20K?

What your experiences been?

Showing 1 response by jeffinnh76

I think the death of the preamp is inevitable.

For example parasound jc2 preamplifier is considered by few to be an endgame preamp. There's really no thrills with this preamp it does three things well the bass the treble and the mids with very little coloration. Everything about this preamplifier says quality build from a good designer. However take the top off and take a peek inside and you'll be amazed at just how little you see. With today's high-end portable headphone streamers and music players the competition is getting very Savvy with building high quality HiFi Sound in small boxes. Today's dacs with preamplifier sections in them are catching up to our large box Hi-Fi home preamplifiers very quickly.