How important Is shielding with RCA wires? (Ethan Winer, new video)

Mr. Winer is out with a new video. FYI.



Showing 5 responses by thyname

Let me guess..... NOT important! I don't need to watch the video. 


With Dr. Winer nothing is important. Except for acoustic panels which he has a business interest in. 


That's all you need to know.

There was no insult. I said what I think. I know the individual for many years via all audio forums and audio groups on FB. He is in all of them (that have not banned him). I really don’t need to watch the video knowing the source. It’s the same drum I have heard beating for years. Why is that an insult? Similar to learning about vaccines from a prominent anti-vaxxer you tube channel. I won’t watch the video if I believe that vaccines help with the pandemic. Very simple thought process.

@oldhvymec --- try engaging with "Mr. Winters" in an audio forum. You will get thrown the famous Dunning-Kruger Graph in your face pronto! 😁😂,



Not all cables are equal because they measure the same.. Not by a long shot. Cable construction isn’t making a pretty cable (though it helps) there is a LOT of tech in cable construction. Pinwheel, Helix, multi alloy, Harp, mag/tech, on and on and on..

That can be easily disproved with his null tester machine 😉

he one thing all of his type agree on, that I agree with, "you don't need to spend a fortune on cables to have great sound"

Yeah me too! He and I have a very important thing in common: we both like Jack Daniels.



I watched the video. It’s so ….. sad. Hopefully the cats are doing well.


The “assistant” is such a nice gentle woman.