How important Is shielding with RCA wires? (Ethan Winer, new video)

Mr. Winer is out with a new video. FYI.



Showing 5 responses by hilde45

@jjss49 LOL. I'm not sure we're above self-harm at this point. Kind of like our country.

@thyname Another ad hominem. That provides some insight but not about the video or its creator. 

This video has gotten over 1k views in less than a day. As we saw in the Prima Luna vs. Raven video, the introduction of facts in the service of argument was crucial to people being convinced by the video. If there are facts or procedures asserted in this video that are questionable, spell that out. Otherwise, you're just attacking someone by name or association. 

@decooney  Thanks -- you're engaging his claims. Appreciated.

@thyname I never said your comment was an insult. I said your comment was ad hominem. In particular, it is a circumstantial ad hominem with an implicit appeal to motive. It's a fallacy. If instead you had commented something like, "I stopped paying attention to Mr. Winer years ago" or "I can't be bothered with Mr. Winer," or even just "I don't like Ethan," you'd be on solider ground.

@audio-union Thanks for your informative post. What would your definition of "real science" be? How would you put that into words? Asking seriously, not snarkily.

Am currently reading a classic in the history of science, The Edge of Objectivity (1960) and wonder how you’d articulate real science.

@audio-union Thanks for your extended discussion of my question. I had not thought of some of the things you mention regarding Democratic and Republic science. You might enjoy that book. It was recommended to me by the former Chair of Biology at Columbia as a classic discussion of how what is considered "objective science" fluctuated across the periods within the history of science.