How important is PC for CD vs Amp Pre

I love this site for info. Great people with sound knowledge. How much priority does one put into the CD player vs the Power Amp and Pre-Amp. I am running a BMI ELL with my BAT VKD5SE and Martin-Logan ReQuests and I believe the BMI WHALE would be the best candidate for the rest of the system. Your comments are much appreciated and requested.

The biggest bang for me, in my experience, is making sure every cord in the system is decent - that is, no stock cords. I surmise that one of the reasons for this is the PC is trying to eliminate noise - therefore a decent cord everywhere is a better defence against noise than only one great PC in the system and lots of stock cords letting the gremlins in elsewhere. After that, I would think about selecting the best cord you can find for your source.
The biggest bang I have obtained for my buck has been with source component PC upgrades. Without getting into the details, because ... well, quite frankly I don't think I understand it all, with PC upgrades I found a noticeable reduction in the digititus and glare associated with CD playback either from a dedicated CD player, or when used on a DVD player for CD playback. I found limited (tough call) benefit from PC upgrades on my pre and power amp. I BELIEVE that the quality of the power supplies on the different components to be the factor in what I observed/heard. YMMV. Good luck.
Are you using a power conditioner with an IEC plug? That is a good place for a power cord upgrade before most other places IMO.