How Important is Dynamic Headroom?

I recently bought a B&K Reference 200.2. I liked how it sounded at the store, and, in regard to specs, I was impressed with its high damping factor (450). Also, it has 225 wpc into 8 ohms (375 wpc into 4 ohms). Hence, everything seemed fine.

I read the owner's manual, and it lists the unit's dynamic headroom as 1.2 db. I did a brief search of other similarly priced units, and 1.2 db would seem to be about average (or perhaps on the low side?). Anyway, how significant is this?


Showing 1 response by krell_man

Very significant, think of it in this senario: you are entering a freeway where you need to get up to 70 miles an hour as quickly as possible so that you can merge into traffic without having someone ram you in the rear, or you have to accelerate and swerve to avoid an accident.

It's the same thing, the acceleration ramp and freeway speed is a swell in the music during a song. Can the amp handle it quickly and without straining or being driven into distortion?
