How important is a Linear Power Supply Versus a Switcyed one?

I recently purchased a used Sutherland Insight phono stage to replace the built in one in my Plinius8200 MK II integrates amp. I was amazed at the improvement in openness and presence. It comes with a switched power supply but there is an option for a Linear Supply for about 35% of what I paid for the Insight ($350). I have a Van den Hul One Special cartridge (if that matters). Is it worth it?

Showing 3 responses by georgehifi

 which seems a bit much compared to the cost difference when manufacturing the LPS board versus the SMP one.
Just the component $cost (not including enclosure) can be more than double for linear v smp.

Cheers George
I have always found a linear power to be an improvement over a switching power supply. This is both in analog sources/preamp as well as digital transport sources.

To give an idea here, there are some hi end manufacturers that offer a power supply upgrade they say is a considerable sound improvement, and that is to pay the extra $$ to get their "linear supply option" installed instead of the smp that come standard with the equipment.

I have yet to bench test any equipment that uses a SMP power supply that doesn’t show HF noise + artifacts infiltrating into the circuit and from the output. Not as low noise as I’ve seen from a good linear supplies.

You’ll get the idea of the HF noise with artifacts if you go near a smp power supply with a portable am radio tuned around 600-700khz off station but (not muted) it’ll squeal it’s head off, and that the airborn radiated stuff, then there’s the stuff that’s going back into the house wiring.

Cheers George