How good's your hearing

Bet you can' beat my grandma's hearing, even she says "Class-D sucks".

Cheers George

Showing 5 responses by mapman

My hearing still measures quite good but I know I do not hear to 20khz as I did when measured back in college. I still can hear all the things on that chart I referenced above, which is what matters.

Still find many systems to be quite bright and or noisy/fatiguing. Usually SS but I’ve heard it recently as well with very popular (here) and VERY pricey high end tube gear at shows recently. It happens!

Regarding my 3 Class D amps (in case one wondered yes I like Class D a lot) , 1 "high end" amp which is a few years old can tend to be a tad bright like many amps with certain speakers known for that in certain rooms of my house. In other rooms, or with other more laid back speakers, not. Some might find this amp somewhat bright in some cases and not at all in others. Nothing out of the ordinary regardless of amp design.

My house was built with in-wall speaker wire run from my office where my main gear lives to 6 other rooms of my house (including outside deck) so I can listen to same system including speakers in many rooms to compare as desired. The room alone is a huge factor in how any setup sounds.

Another newer current generation "high end" Class D amp I have has loads of air  (air=16-20khz, see chart I linked to above) but is also dead quiet and  the least fatiguing amp overall I have ever owned. Every speaker used there is always a total joy top to bottom.

My third Class D amp, the current generation $75 dollar special, is a total giant killer.

Go figure! if Class D amps are categorically as bad as George insists, there must be something wrong with me. Could be!
Class-D has the most detractors

BS.  References please.  Tube amps often reek.  Class A-B too.  Way more bad ones out there than Class D I suspect.
George is stove-piped in on technical challenges associated with Class D for some reason. Don’t know what is the agenda. Maybe its similar to feeling resentment towards a beautiful girl that you really like but jilted you in some way? Who knows. Contradictory findings of others do not seem to matter to him. As if that is the only audio technology that still has unique challenges, especially when it comes to making good sound practically affordable to more.

To each their own.  Definitely a bad look though.