How good is my source?

I have a CAL CL 20 dvd player, since upgrading from my early 90's I've used the Sony 7700, Cal CL 10 and a CAL Alpha w/ a Kinergetics transport, I prefer the CL 20 over my previous sources but I am curious how much better units such as the Wadia 830, the Meridian 508.24 and the Electrocompaniet player are. I've checked some reviews but they haven't been much help. the Wadia review I read said it was on whole other level from players like the CAL but the review I read on the CAL said the differences between it and the Dcs combo where "almost superfical", I find both these comments hard to believe

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

mkaes, one of the pitfalls of audio reviewing is that reviewers tend to over dramitize the sonic differences between components. Yes it is true that a dCS converter sounds different than a Wadia, but the reality is the differences are not major. (My standard is musical relevance, not audiophile minutae.) In the high-end audio arena the difference between components are usually small to very small, if not in fact trivial. Good components do not sound dramatically better or worse than other good components in properly setup systems. They sound slightly different and we as audiophiles thrive on these differences, minor though they be.

Cornfed's tone may have been severe, but I agree with his basic message. You need to listen for yourself and make your own opinion.
Mkaes, my point is not about system synergy. Let me be very clear -- with regards to music reproduction, the sonic differences between better quality components is small. Audiophiles magnify these small differences to the point where, if you just listen to how we talk, you would think there were night and day type differences between components. BTW, when I say better quality components I don't just mean the top of the high-end, my comments apply to components costing as little as $1,500.