How good is an Oppo BDP-83 as a transport? To be used with Denafrips Ares DAC

for CD, DVD and Blue-ray.

Should I consider another player or is it not a big deal?

I expect arrival of the Ares in August.

Thank you,


Showing 4 responses by philjolet

Thanks lak 

I guess I will find out for myself anyway. 

As a stand alone player the Oppo is pretty average and I started wondering just how bad is it? I have never owned a separate DAC before so I never looked into this in the past...
an interesting bit of information George but I really care about the sound of movies as well as music CDs.

jayctoy glad to hear you enjoy your Ares. I expect I will be very happy with it as well. I will be using a Neotech ND021090 digital coax cable.