How good is Accuphase DP-700 SACD/CD Player

I would appreciate if you can give me hands-on claims as to How Good is this New DP-700 SACD/CD Player from Accuphase?


Showing 1 response by sweare1

The DP-700 is the best player that they have produced. It is only beaten by their new 900-901 and the soon to be release DP-720. It is better than the DP800-801 however. What make them sound so special is that the sound more like vinyl than digital but without the hiss. Something i should point out though is as standared it does sound softer and warmer than the 800-801 and not so open or detailed. You MUST conect the digital out to the digital in using their HS-Link cable. This transforms the play to a whole new level. I think this is because of the clocking. Without the cable the clocking is generated in the dac with the cable it comes from the transports own deticated master clock. This maybe the same for all of their players, if you have a digital in and out HS-link on your player try it!!