How good is a match of Vandersteen Treo CT and the LTA Z40+ Intergrated?

I just received the Vandersteen Treo CT and I am using a Moon 700i integrated. Sounds wonderfull.

Thinking about getting a tube integrated and looking at the LTA Z40+.

How good is a match of Vandersteen Treo CT and the LTA Z40+ Intergrated Amplifier?




Definitely not enough power run full range and likely not even high passed with Vandersteen subs.  If you want to try tubes may need to go higher output than the Z40.  When I owned them I tried them with 60 wpc tube monoblocks and didn't feel it was enough power. But I'm sure someone will be around shortly to tell it will work if you use their favorite brand of tube amp.

may not have enough power especially to drive and control the low end of the speaker if driven full range... maybe in a smallish room

get powered rel subs, then the zotl will be magic with the treo’s