How good does a TT have to be for a good cartridge

I have often wondered would you get good sound from a really good cartridge on a decent but not super good table. I am not an analog fanatic. I do own two fairly basic modern tables. One is a plain VPI Scout and the other a Music Hall MMF 5. Could I expect great sound from either one with a very high caliber cartridge that might cost lets say $3-5K . Is this an example of not being able to put lipstick on a pig?

Showing 1 response by islandmandan

Although I may be lacking in experience, compared to many on this site, I used for several years a Dynavector XX2MKII on a Scout Signature, with a couple of phono stages, Simaudio Moon LP 5.3 w/outboard power supply, then a Modwright SWP 9.0 SE. What happened is the Scout just sounded much better than the Lyra Dorian it replaced.

I'm off in a different direction now, I'm in the finishing stages of a Garrard 401 restoration/upgrade, mounting a Dynavector 501 arm, and I'll use the XX2MKII here as well. I'll see if this project sounds better, or just different, but who knows?

I'd sure like to try the Dyna XV-1S, or an Ortofon A 90, but those are not in my comfort zone money-wise.

The lipstick adorned pig enters in here, too, but I couldn't tell you where that is.

Good luck, and good listening,