You are so lucky.Check out the Mac place in town as one day you may need to tuneup the 7300.The rest are practically resistant to all but bad luck[moisture,dropping,etc......]I have the C30-MC7270-MR77,keep on truckin.....
How good are McIntosh MC7300 and C40?
Hi, I have recently inherited my father's McIntosh system, which includes:
MC7300 power amp
C40 preamp
MCD7008 CD player
MR7083 tuner
I was just wondering how good these components were. I've been listening to this system with Xavian XN185 speakers and Revel M20 speakers for about a decade and i love the sound. Are these as good as the top of the line Krell, Linn, Mark Levinson, etc? Where do these components stand?
Thanks in advance,
MC7300 power amp
C40 preamp
MCD7008 CD player
MR7083 tuner
I was just wondering how good these components were. I've been listening to this system with Xavian XN185 speakers and Revel M20 speakers for about a decade and i love the sound. Are these as good as the top of the line Krell, Linn, Mark Levinson, etc? Where do these components stand?
Thanks in advance,