How frequently do you check Audiogon listings?

Over the past few days I have offered to buy from sellers two items: a CJ amp and Harbeth 7ES speakers. In both cases I inquired probably within 4 - 6 hours after they were listed. In both cases I was the fourth person to offer to buy the amp/speakers (and there were numerous inquiries for both). Both items were listed below blue book value which obviously caused a bit of a feeding frenzy. When I am looking to buy "new" gear, I check listings perhaps five times a day. Apparently, some of you are not being attentive enough to your job assignments at work and are spending far too much time near a computer!! Think of the fall in GNP if this continues!

Showing 1 response by ucmgr

I'm too embarrased to answer. Some days I'm like a junky. Other days I just wish I could be perusing the "for sales". I'm guessing that all of you that are reading or responding to this thread are sitting there waiting to have the cajones to answer honestly. Fess up, you know who you are. Hello, my name is Skip..and I'm an audio(gon)holic.