how far off the wall

I undesrstand that a speaker should be given some room to breath, that is to pull it a couple of feet of the wall. With my kef reference fours I found this to be simple. The speakers are enclosed and so i measured the disstance from the back of the speaker to the wall behind it, and advanced it the need distance. With the Martin logan vantage should i measure from the woffer enclouser or from the electrostatic surface. thanks,cj

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Here is a link to Cardas' room setup, if you look down toward the bottom of the page, there is info on setup of a dipole speaker. There is also info on speaker placement on the Rives Audio website.

When I owned the ML SL3's they were out a good 5 feet or so from the wall to the front of the panel. However, I also had heavy drapes hung on the wall behind the speakers as well.

Cardas Speaker Placement Link