How far is your SUT from your Phono Pre/Preamp?

Had to go back to the internal SUT in my phono pre today because it needs to be at least 3 feet away from the preamp or phono pre to prevent hum. Is this normal? I don't really have the 3 feet available.


Showing 3 responses by lewm

Up above in this thread, someone suggested experimenting with the physical orientation of your external SUT in relation to the power transformer of your Lamm phono stage. In addition to playing with grounding, have you tried that yet? There is a possibility that will make a difference. Also Jensen Transformers are very very good. I am surprised you find them to be inferior to even a low priced external SUT. Perhaps Lamm does not use the top of the line transformers available from Jensen. You might consider replacing the Jensens in your unit with the best current Jensen SUT.

The short answer is no, you need not tolerate hum just because your SUT is close to your phono stage. In fact ideally you want the two to be as close together as practical.