How does the Aurender s10 compare with a more modern streamer?

I am looking into streamers, I saw an advert for an Aurender s10 which is a discontinued product now but it was decent when it was available. Would you buy a used one now or should I look for a Lumin U1 mini / Auralic G1 / Innuos Zen? I need the streamer to have AES/EBU output is addition to USB.  Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Sound quality from streamers generally follows price points. I have experience with many low end sources and Auralic Aries G2, Aurender N100, N10, and W20SE. Each price level provides a huge increase in sound quality. Aurender produce some of the best sounding streamers on the market today.

The unit you are looking at will probably sound pretty good. Although I think it is around ten years old. I guess it will depend on the price. This is a guess… if it cost much less than the current Aurender N100 then buy it. If not go for a Aurender N100.

My estimate would be similar but slightly superior to the N100... definitely not as good as the N10... the N10 is a a truly great streamer.