How do you store and catalog your vinyl?

Just curious how members store, sort and catalog their vinyl collection.
With less than a 1000 I have a hard time remembering just what I already own and have purchased duplicates by mistake whilst at the LRS.

How do you store them?
How do you sort them? Alphabetical or genre or year?
Catalog? In the good old days probably in a note book modern equivalent would be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Very interested to hear what you do and how you manage that massive collection.

Showing 2 responses by kahlenz

I create a relational database that ties in to online meta-data sources, then I painstakingly scan my album art and create tags for music category, performers, composers, production information, release dates, etc.  When I want to listen to an album, I grab one off the shelf.
My previous reply was maybe a bit fallacious.  Truthfully, I divide my albums into "classical", "jazz", "rock" and "folk" music.  I also have a "new album" section, and a "current interest" section, which are somewhat intermingled.  I have a small stack that is in current rotation.  I have about 400 albums, and never have any problem finding what I am looking for.