How do you store and catalog your vinyl?

Just curious how members store, sort and catalog their vinyl collection.
With less than a 1000 I have a hard time remembering just what I already own and have purchased duplicates by mistake whilst at the LRS.

How do you store them?
How do you sort them? Alphabetical or genre or year?
Catalog? In the good old days probably in a note book modern equivalent would be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Very interested to hear what you do and how you manage that massive collection.

Showing 1 response by 2channel8

My small collection of about 400 LPs is broken down to 4 levels: Audiophile; about 42 that are in some way specially manufactured or pressed
Special: Real favorites that are of normal manufacture.
The bulk or main collection
The upstairs collection (tings my wife likes; but I'll never play)
I sort alphabetically within those levels and physical shelves.

I started entering my collection into Discogs a few months ago. It's cool. I've learned a lot about my collection. I was doing pretty well until I got a damn job. That screwed everything up. 

I also have a spreadsheet of 'all' the different covers I have of my favorite songs. Collecting covers has been my little sub-hobby for decades. It sure got a lot easier with digital music downloads, but the vinyls are the gems.

I've also been trying to vac/wash all my LP's and I'm closer to being caught up with that than the cataloging; because it's more important and I'm not totally senile yet. I have a cheap DIY vac setup that is quite effective. I make my own solutions from a great recipe I found on Audiokarma.