How do you sort your LPs?

How do you sort your LPs?
1. Alphabetical Genre
2. Alphabetical Artist
3. Most listened
4. Others
I have procrastinated in organizing my collection. No excuses now.


Showing 3 responses by arion

Just like almost everything else in audio there seems to be a diverse set of opinions, methods or philosophies applied to LP sorting. Who would of guessed that :) Thanks for the good ideas.

I like the idea of having an area or section to queue LPs. My current loose method needs a little work. Weeding out the "unlikely to be used again" LPs will help too.

I have over 3500 LPs at this point. I occasionally find duplicates and forgotten music. A less random arrangement would likely be better. It is fun to rediscover music though. 
Thanks to all for your suggestions and opinions.

I have a decent size (to me) collection of LPs. Most of them are originals, meaning I bought them new when they were first released, and are in great condition. I still buy LPs so the collection is still growing but at a reduced rate. I'm trying to enjoy what's here hence the quest for better organization.

Now, they are loosely grouped by genre but not all in the same place. For example, there is the classical section on the right side of the room (the I don't listen to often side) and the classical section on the left side of the room (the most listened to section). I chose genre because that's how I usually select what to listen to. For example, if in the mood for jazz then I go to the jazz section and then narrow it down from there. I'm not good at remembering names but I remember cover art.

I'm not obsessing, at least I don't I am. My goal is to spend less time searching and more time listening. Also, I want to weed out between 1000 to 1500 LPs that will never be used (by me) again. The "I listen to these LPs most often pile" seems to get out of control too often. 

Thanks for the suggestions of Discogs and similar. I will check it out. 
