How Do You Remove CD Booklet/Artwork?

This seems like such a simple question, I shouldn’t even be making a thread but I have yet to find a good answer. 
How do you remove the CD booklet or artwork quickly, easily and without damaging it?

With the CD open, in order to slide the booklet out to the left, there are two protrusions the booklet must clear. Typically I put a fingernail under the artwork and lift but every once in awhile it makes a small fold near where I lift it which damages it. There’s got to be a better way. 


Showing 1 response by nonoise

Just be careful. What I do is gently pry it out with my fingernail without putting pressure on it to move while doing it. Once freed, a gentle kind of shake after doing that works for me. You want it to move back a bit  away from the ridge after getting a hold of it and then it slides out real easy.

All the best,