How do you rationalize audio upgrades?

Thought this could be a fun topic, especially after a Friday night libation, or two.

I'm going to add a turntable to my audio system. I am listening to different turntables and the amount I consider spending is increasing. $1500 max is now heading towards $2700.

What do you say to yourself to "rationalize" your decision to spend more?

I amortize over time.


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

If I could explain how I rationalize my upgrades then everyone would do it. My system would go from mind-bendingly awesome to average over night. Worse, hearing the $1.3M system at Definitive would have me crying in my beer instead of snort, chortle, if only you knew-ing.

So I'm not about to say, even if I know, which I don't. So there.