How do you make a final decision on a DAC

Thank you all for helping me along the way. I've been trying to decide on a DAC for my 2 channel system. I listen to JUST R&R  60's, 70's, 80's more or less and stream from my windows based Pc Via Amazon HD (which I really enjoy)  loudly currently through my Benchmark DAC 3B, and my Audiolab 6000 Transport. Associated equipment:  Should be here this week after waiting 7 months, ATI amp, 6002, Benchmark Line amp LA-4, Tekton SE Double Impacts and an SVS sb 4000 sealed sub. Really enjoy.  A ceiling of 5K is somewhat available, # 1 choice is Denafrips Terminator 2, (a little nervous as once you order it's yours) Audio Mirror Tubadour 3 SE, Aqua La Voce 3.  Don't really want a preamp/Dac combo, just a DAC. Listen in a very large shop area with great acoustics. ( just by chance.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Pulling hair out at this point, what little there is.  Thanks as always    Robert TN   ps service is a big priority!!!!


Showing 1 response by hilde45

I won't mention brands, because you seem to have good options. 

Here's what you might consider: ask yourself, "What music might I be listening to in the future that I don't listen to now?" and then try out the DAC's with those genres.

For example, I do expect to increase my listening to classical music, beyond my jazz and rock. So, a DAC that does well with classical provides future possibilities that are worth testing now.