How do you 'listen' to new music?

Coming new to classical and jazz music (many years ago) I was overwhelmed. I'd sit and listen and except for the simplist of pieces, full of melody, I just didn't get it. I found it necessary to devote a lot of time and effort to get to an appreciation of the music. Too much like work!

Some where along the line I decided not to work so hard. I'd buy a piece and just let it play as I did other things (as I am doing now) and letting myself become accoustomed to it. When I finally no longer found it indecipherable, and was finding it pleasant/comprehensible, I would then sit and really listen to it. If after playing it a few times it still didn't do anything for me, I'd put it away for a few years and then drag it back out.

Is this pecular to me? How have others made the cross over into jazz and classical music?

Showing 1 response by photon46

Just like Siliab says, music is a language, and we have to learn the syntax and structure of a new language to become comfortable with it. I was lucky, my mom was a classical musician and I was exposed to it from day one. (Of course, her elitist dismissal of popular musics of all sorts meant I had to acquire that taste on my own.) The often repeated maxim that music is a universal language overly simplifies things. The elements of music are shared to varying degrees, how the are put together can render one form or another almost indecipherable to our ears at first. Repeated listening to new music without expectations of reward or understanding eventually will lead to familiarity and eventually appreciation I think. Of course, reading some music appreciation books about classical or jazz will enlarge our appreciation and comprehension a great deal.