How do you listen to new music?

Yesterday I stopped in at a local Borders that is closing. They were selling all music at 50% off so I purchased 8 cds. Add these to 3 cds I just received from Amazon and I have a lot of new music to digest.
My normal MO is to load a new cd and listen all the way through. Unless it's a total turn-off I'll listen at least two more times in the next couple days. This gives me a feel for the music and will determine where it goes in my play cycle.
I own 1,000+ cds and own many of them have been listened to only once. There are many Agon members with music collections that make mine seem miniscule. Listening to eleven new cds will take some time and starting this process made me wonder how others listen to newly acquired music.

Showing 1 response by ths364

If I'm totally unfamiliar with it I listen like a record A/R guy. Twenty or thirty seconds per track unless it grabs me. If it grabs my attention I'll stay with it for the entirety unless the artist really screws it up. Having said that I'll admit to being completely wrong many,many times in re: first impressions. Absolutely hated Talking Heads, Police,and even the Stones when I first heard them. In my defense, the first time I heard the Stones, I was like 6 years old ;)