how do you know if you need a dac ?

have always been into vinyl and recently decided to get out of it and bought a Ayre CX-7 cd player.    while it sounds just fine, I read in the forums about members getting dacs.         

how do you know if you need one or not ?

what benefit would one add if any ?

Showing 2 responses by soix

As far as I know, Ayre uses a delta-sigma or single-bit processor. One reason you might want to try a DAC is there are multi-bit non-oversampling (NOS) DACs out now that generally seem to please analog folks more than the upsampling single-bit DACs. You can try a Metrum DAC from HiFi Heaven or a SW1X DAC that uses tubes in the output stage. They both offer an in-home trial, so read the reviews and see which one sounds more like it meets your sonic priorities and give it a go. As a vinyl guy, I’m almost sure you’ll prefer one of these DACs to your Ayre. Obviously you can use the Ayre as a good transport.  Oh, and you probably want to invest in an Emprical Audio Synchro Mesh reclocker to get the best out of your DAC.
Why would you get out of vinyl?  I can't imagine going digital has been a sonic improvement.