How do you judge audio components and speakers?

I would say - listening to music you're familiar with, and comparing. We can talk about tight/bloomy bass, midrange clarity, treble extension and things of that nature. We can also be very specific with regards to how a particular track is supposed to sound; based on high-performance gear that we were able to experience - but only if it purports to be accurate without sonic colorations. Therefore, I guess you could say we have a reference point. This part is what I would consider "objective performance." 

Along with this, measurements go hand-in-hand.

On the other side of the coin - subjective performance is how we "want our systems to sound." If the vocals are too bright or sharp, if snares or unpleasant sounding instrumentals ruin an otherwise good song, it's usually because the system is too accurate. So high-end audio is about chasing an ideal that doesn't exist in reality - but in the minds of audiophiles who are seeking a very particular kind of sonic presentation that bodes well with their music library as a you just enough detail to keep you interested, while at the same time having a sense of realism, presence, and imaging that makes the speakers dissapear. We are seeking the illusion of a live performance.


The above are just my points. Feel free to share what you think. If you think I'm wrong, I don't mind. 







Showing 10 responses by thecarpathian

@pingstonsmile ,

Classic bully maneuvers.

Insult someone then state you're not insulting them.

Attack someone then claim you're being attacked.

Get branded a bully, insist you're not, then proceed to call those who call you a bully physically inferior losers because you used to 'outlass' them in gym when in high school, which was apparently the high point of his life. Not sure if he meant outclass, or outlast. Either way, just sad.



I never tried to insult you or ridicule you.

Said the guy who insulted and ridiculed mahgister.

Yeah, well it’s ludicrous.

I agree. Your posts are ludicrous.

Perhaps you should have called yourself jackasshifiguy.

Annnd there you go again.

Do you make a habit of contradicting yourself, or just on here?

"Got attacked because some of you disagree with me and that’s fine on the surface.."

No, you were called out for being an insulting, know it all tool.

"And online, all the losers get together and attack the big wolf."

Is that how you see yourself?

That would be amusing if it weren't so sad.


"May as well have the opinions of children and high school students to guide me."

Well, then. Go away. See how easy that was?

Its a win/win!

@jackhifiguy ,

Say, what was your previous username before you got banned for being such a passive aggressive jerk? I forget.

@jackhifiguy ,

Such an odd fellow.

Not once have I mentioned or even alluded to mahgister's system. Not once.

All my posts are directly related to your passive aggressive foolishness. insulting those who are not even recognizing your existence. How sad it must be to be you, going through life thinking this is an optimal way to act.


"Sure you’re right.

I am a jerk. But I’m a classy mean guy because I always get my point across."

Jerk and mean, absolutely.

Classy, not in the least.

Well, I wouldn’t say absurd.

It may be generally incorrect to do it, but as was pointed out; weightier, more robustly built gear can tend to be superior to those of a lightly built nature.

"Well, you can take the horse to water. But you can’t make the horse drink the water."

The above is your latest post.

Yes, brilliantly irrefutable. How could anyone dare doubt your superior audio knowledge...