How Do you hide/camouflage your rats nest?

My system is in the living room and need to improve the WAF,
system is set on the floor on isolation platforms, in spite of a neat cable arrangement from the audiophile point of view, it´s not the best aesthetics.
Please share your ideas and experiences.

Showing 2 responses by seandtaylor99

Unfortunately I had to improve the WAF by removing it from the living room into the spare bedroom. In the end it worked out well since now I can listen whenever I like and it doesn't compete with the TV. I'd like a bigger room but I wouldn't go back to the living room.

I guess this is what you get for having Spica Angelus 3 feet from the rear wall ! (If you don't know these beauties see the link below)
Sugarbrie ... indeed, and with attention to room treatment I can now hardly hear her fists thumping the door. I slide meals under the door at regular intervals. You should try it.