How do you guys choose between CD releases?

This has been been bugging me for some time now and I'm wondering if any of you guys have a sensible way of choosing which release of a CD to buy. I buy the vast majority of my CDs on Amazon and too frequently have to choose between two releases of a CD e.g., 1990 or 2003. If there is a remaster I usually go with it, unless I'm warned off. That doesn't bother me, it's choosing between to releases with no more to go on than the year of release. You can't judge by sampling; you don't even know which release you're listening to, and Amazon reviews are seldom release specific. Should I just buy the newest, the cheapest or (gulp) most expensive? Any secrets? How do you guys decide?

Showing 1 response by tpreaves

Even the Beatles recent releases were crushed compressed and only the mono versions were any good...

This statement just goes to show how subjective audio is and how people perceive sound differently.I happen to think the new Beatles stereo discs sound very good.You shouldn't make purchases on someone's recommendation without hearing the product for yourself.Of course this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.